
Accepted articles

Grinand C., Vieilledent G., T. Razafimbelo, J.-R. Rakotoarijaona, M. Nourtier, and M. Bernoux. Landscape‐scale spatial modelling of deforestation, land degradation and regeneration using machine learning tools. Land Degradation and Development. in press.

Vieilledent G., C. Grinand, F. A. Rakotomalala, R. Ranaivosoa, J.-R. Rakotoarijaona, T. F. Allnutt, and F. Achard. 2018. Combining global tree cover loss data with historical national forest-cover maps to look at six decades of deforestation and forest fragmentation in Madagascar. Biological Conservation. 222: 189-197.

Updated results with deforestation estimates for 2010-2015, 2015-2017. pdf

Study featured in:
Reader's Digest, Le Monde, Cirad press release, Cirad news, Presidency of Madagascar, UPR Forêts et Sociétés news

Ho Tong Minh D., E. Ndikumana, G. Vieilledent, D. McKey and N. Baghdadi. 2018. Potential value of combining ALOS PALSAR and Landsat-derived tree cover data for forest biomass retrieval in Madagascar. Remote Sensing of Environment. 213: 206-214.

Dezécache C., J.-M. Salles, G. Vieilledent, and B. Hérault. 2017. Moving forward socio-economically focused models of deforestation. Global Change Biology. 23(9): 3484-3500.

El Hajj M., N. Baghdadi, I. Fayad, G. Vieilledent, J.-S. Bailly, and D. Ho Tong Minh. 2017. Interest of integrating spaceborne LiDAR data to improve the estimation of biomass in high biomass forested areas. Remote Sensing. 9(3).

Grinand C., G. Le Maire, G. Vieilledent, H. Razakamanarivo, T. Razafimbelo, and M. Bernoux. 2017. Estimating temporal changes in soil carbon stocks at the ecoregional scale in Madagascar using remote-sensing. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 54: 1-14.

Vieilledent G., O. Gardi, C. Grinand, C. Burren, M. Andriamanjato, C. Camara, C. J. Gardner, L. Glass, A. Rasolohery, H. Rakoto Ratsimba, V. Gond, and J.-R. Rakotoarijaona. 2016. Bioclimatic envelope models predict a decrease in tropical forest carbon stocks with climate change in Madagascar. Journal of Ecology. 104: 703-715.

This article was the Editor's Choice paper for the issue 104(3) of the Journal of Ecology: Editor's Choice 104:3.

This article has been selected for a Journal of Ecology virtual issue on "Plants in a changing world: global change and plant ecology". Published 24 April 2017. Browse Virtual Issue.

Study featured in:
The Conversation, Le Figaro, Radio Classique, Le Point, FranceTV info, El Mercurio, Midi-Libre, Cirad, Cirad activity report 2015.

Vieilledent G., O. Gardi, C. Grinand, C. Burren, M. Andriamanjato, C. Camara, C. J. Gardner, L. Glass, A. Rasolohery, H. Rakoto Ratsimba, V. Gond, J.-R. Rakotoarijaona. 2016. Data from: Bioclimatic envelope models predict a decrease in tropical forest carbon stocks with climate change in Madagascar. Dryad Digital Repository.

Articles in pre-print/review

Vancutsem Ch., F. Achard, J.-F. Pekel, G. Vieilledent, S. Carboni, D. Simonetti, J. Gallego. Long-term monitoring of the tropical moist forests dynamics reveals unprecedented deforestation rates. in review.

Muniz Tagliari M., P. Danthu, J.-M. Leong Pock Tsy, C. Cornu, J. Lenoir, V. Carvalho-Rocha, G. Vieilledent. Not all species will migrate polewards as the climate warms: the case of the seven baobab species in Madagascar. pre-print.

Vieilledent G., M. Nourtier, C. Grinand, M. Pedrono, A. Clausen, T. Rabetrano, J.-R. Rakotoarijaona, B. Rakotoarivelo, F. A. Rakotomalala, L. Rakotomalala, A. Razafimpahanana, J. M. Ralison, and F. Achard. It's not only poverty: uncontrolled global trade and bad governance are responsible for unceasing deforestation in Western Madagascar. pre-print.

Master and PhD thesis

Clément J. 2019. Développement d'un modèle joint de distribution des espèces pour la réalisation d'une carte de biodiversité à Madagascar. Rapport de Master. Sous la direction de G. Vieilledent. Master II Mathématiques-Biostatistique. Université de Montpellier. 43 p.

Knoplock C. 2019. The importance of deforestation and climate change in shaping lemurs' distributions and identifying their areas of climatic refuges. Rapport de Master. Sous la direction de C. Grinand et G. Vieilledent. Master II Biodiversité, Ecologie et Evolution (BEE), finalité Gestion Adaptative de la Biodiversité (GABI). Université d'Aix Marseille. 43 p.

Colas A. 2018. Creation of a biodiversity atlas for Madagascar with the speciesatlas R package. Rapport de Master. Sous la direction de C. Grinand et G. Vieilledent. Master I Bioinformatique et modélisation (BIM). INSA Lyon. 29 p.

Grinand C. 2016. Suivi et modélisation des changements d'usage des terres et stocks de carbone dans les sols et les arbres dans le cadre de la REDD+ à Madagascar. Vers des mesures pertinentes localement et cohérentes à large échelle. Manuscript de thèse. Sous la direction de M. Bernoux et G. Vieilledent. Thèse de doctorat en Écologie Fonctionnelle et Sciences Agronomiques. Montpellier SupAgro. Ecole doctorale GAIA. 245 p.

Muniz Tagliari M. 2015. Biogéographie et vulnérabilité au changement climatique des espèces de baobabs à Madagascar. Rapport de Master. Sous la direction de G. Vieilledent. Master II Biologie Végétale Tropicale (BVT). Université de Montpellier. 47 p.

Charra M. 2015. Création d'une base de données et modélisation de la biodiversité à Madagascar. Rapport de Master. Sous la direction de G. Vieilledent. Master II Ecologie, Biodiversité, Evolution (EBE), Préservation et Gestion Conservatoire des Ecosystèmes. Université Paris-Saclay ENS, Université Paris Sud, AgroParisTech, Sorbonne Université, MNHN. 32 p.

Long R. 2014. Modélisation de la déforestation à Madagascar. Rapport de Master. Sous la direction de C. Grinand. Master I Agronomie Générale. AgroParisTech. 51 p.

Short communications

Vieilledent G. 2019. Forest cover in Madagascar: Past, present and future (SYM/028). ATBC 2019: 56th annual meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation. Antananarivo. Oral presentation.

Vieilledent G., Ch. Vancutsem and F. Achard. 2019. The fate of tropical forests: High resolution global maps of deforestation risk and future forest cover (GSOP/251). ATBC 2019: 56th annual meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation. Antananarivo. Oral presentation.

Knoploch C., C. Grinand, F. Montfort, G. Vieilledent. 2019. A novel atlas representing Madagascar's biodiversity and potential refuges driven by deforestation and climate change (GSOP/158). ATBC 2019: 56th annual meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation. Antananarivo. Oral presentation.

Rakotomalala A. F., C. Grinand, L. Blanc, V. Gond, S. Rakotoniaina. 2019. Using remote sensing techniques to monitor forest degradation and forest regeneration in Madagascar's tropical eastern rainforest (GSOP/117). ATBC 2019: 56th annual meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation. Antananarivo. Oral presentation.

Vieilledent G., J. Clement. 2019. Using Rcpp* packages for easy and fast Gibbs sampling MCMC from within R. UseR!2019 conference. Toulouse. France. Oral presentation.

Vieilledent G., and F. Achard. 2018. Accounting for spatial autocorrelation in deforestation modelling. ISEC 2018: International Statistical Ecology Conference. St Andrews (UK). Oral presentation.

Vieilledent G., W. F. Laurance, S. Peedell, and F. Achard. 2016. The fate of tropical forests associated to the demographic explosion in Africa. Scennet 2016: international conference on Scenarios and Models of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Support of Decision Making. Montpellier. Oral presentation.

Grinand C., G. Vieilledent, T. Razafimbelo, J.-R. Rakotoarijaona, M. Nourtier M., and M. Bernoux. 2016. New tools and methodological framework to study spatial drivers of deforestation, degradation and regeneration and forecast possible futures in Madagascar. Scennet 2016: international conference on Scenarios and Models of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Support of Decision Making. Montpellier. Oral presentation.

Vieilledent G., O. Gardi, C. Grinand, C. Burren, M. Andriamanjato, C. Camara, C. J. Gardner, L. Glass, A. Rasolohery, H. Rakoto Ratsimba, V. Gond, and J.-R. Rakotoarijaona. 2016. Bioclimatic envelope models predict a decrease in tropical forest carbon stocks with climate change in Madagascar. In : Tropical ecology and society reconciliating conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. Program and abstracts. Plinio Sist (ed.), Stéphanie Carrière (ed.), Pia Parolin (ed.), Pierre-Michel Forget (ed.). ATBC. Storrs : ATBC, Résumé, p. 325. Montpellier. Présentation orale.

Vieilledent G., M. Charra, M. Muniz-Tagliari, C. Grinand, T. F. Allnutt, D. Razafimpahanana, M. Pedrono, and J.-R. Rakotoarijaona. 2015. Biodiversity Scenarios in Madagascar. ICCB-ECCB 2015: 27th International Congress for Conservation Biology - 4th European Congress for Conservation Biology conference. Montpellier. Poster.

Vieilledent G., T. F. Allnutt, C. Grinand, M. Pedrono, J.-R. Rakotoarijaona, and D. Razafimpahanana. BioSceneMada: Biodiversity scenarios under the effect of climate change and future deforestation in Madagascar. ICCB-ECCB 2015: 27th International Congress for Conservation Biology - 4th European Congress for Conservation Biology conference. Montpellier. Side-event FRB-FFEM. Oral presentation.