Carbon maps

National forest carbon map for Madagascar for the year 2010GeoTIFF raster file, 4.2 Mo, EPSG: 32738, 250m resolution, Int16ACD_for10.tifCarbon_Map_Final
National carbon map for Madagascar for the year 2010GeoTIFF raster file, 12.4 Mo, EPSG: 32738, 250m resolution, Int16ACD_RF_2010.tifCarbon_Map_Final_WholeCountry
Random Forests model used to derive the national forest carbon mapR data file (.rda), 3.3 MoRFmodel.rdaVarEffect
R script used to derive the national forest carbon mapR script file (.R), 47 KoRscript_carbon.RRlogo
ACD data used to derive the national forest carbon mapKML file (.kml), 2.2 Mo ACD.kmlEcoregion_And_Plots