- L'ensemble des livrables (articles, rapports, présentations, supports de formation, etc.) relatifs au projet BioSceneMada ont été organisés et regroupés ici.
- Présentation du projet à la Plénière du COS de la FRB 2018
- Participants to BioSceneMada capacity-building workshop. Modelling and forecasting deforestation.
- Invitation to BioSceneMada capacity-building workshop, Antananarivo (October 29-31, 2018). Modelling and forecasting deforestation.
- Cirad's video on results published in Biological Conservation
- Final scientific report link
- FRB project result sheet + link
- Agenda of the follow-up meeting in Montpellier (Nov. 2017)
- PhD thesis manuscript of Clovis Grinand
- Clovis Grinand PhD defense in Montpellier (December 16th, 2016). Details here.
- Mission report to Menabe to study the deforestation process. In English , in French
- The BioSceneMada project has been selected to illustrate the projects funded by FRB and responding to the IPBES (Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) recommendations
- Follow-up meeting topic presentations
- Follow-up meeting people
- Invitation to BioSceneMada follow-up meeting, Antananarivo (June 3rd, 2016)
- Progress report 2
- Journées FRB, "Les scénarios de la biodiversité à l'heure du changement climatique", Paris (October 2sd, 2015)
- Side-event FRB-FFEM at ICCB-ECCB 2015 conference, Montpellier (August 5th, 2015)
- Poster presenting project first results at ICCB-ECCB 2015 conference, Montpellier (August 4th, 2015)
- Seminar at Kew Royal Botanic Gardens, London (July 21st, 2015)
- Follow-up meeting topic presentations
- Follow-up meeting people
- BioSceneMada follow-up meeting program, Antananarivo (April 2sd, 2015)
- Invitation to BioSceneMada follow-up meeting, Antananarivo (April 2sd, 2015)
- Progress report 1
- Kickoff meeting two-slides partner presentations
- Kickoff meeting topic presentations
- Kickoff meeting people
- Project presentation slides